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Wallmount Fiber Box
2024-03-27 15:47:25

Wallmount fiber boxes are designed to be affixed onto a wall or can be adapted to besecured onto a pole.They are meant to be a network termination point whilemaintaining organization and security. The wallmount fiber box is a convenient equipment of terminating connections because it canbe used with fiber pigtails for splicing, or it can accommodate pre-terminatedfibers with connectors by coming loaded with adapter panels. 

A fiber box has an entrance point for incoming cables, one splice tray ormore according to the actual need, and an exit point for split cables. Thesplice tray joins incoming cable with either a pigtail or a connector tocontinue the transmission of signal. The best connection comes from splicingthe cable with a fiber pigtail. The other option is to use a connector andfield termination.

One advantage of wallmount fiber boxes isthe space saving. Because it can be mounted on a wall, it saves space in youroffice or networking closet by eliminating the need for a rack or desk. Allthat is needed is enough space for the unit to be mounted onto the wall and forthe doors to open. Some wallmount fiber boxes will be designed with multiple layers so installersand servicers can access specific components with ease.

Wallmount fiber boxes can come either loaded with pigtails or connectors,or blank so the servicer can install the necessary components individually. Wealso offer wall mount distribution boxes that can accommodate from 2 to 576splices, and 2 to 144 ports. Depending on your project these boxes can utilizeLC, SC, or other connectors in order to terminate the different fibertypes. 

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